Thursday 28 February 2013

Eye of the Needle by Ken Follett

I found this book through the movie of the same name. Eye of the Needle is a spy thriller written by Ken Follet, first published in 1978.


  • Spy thriller
  • Mystery
  • War
  • Suspense


The story is about a German spy, Faber, code name Die Nedal or The Needle. He finds out information that can help the Germans win the war, and has to deliver some photographs as a proof.

Meanwhile, a history professor, Godliman, and ex-policemen Bloggs, are employed to catch Faber. When they realise what Faber has got, they go on a chase for Faber, who escapes but leaves a trail of murder behind for them to follow.

The other two main characters in the story are David, a trainee pilot, and his wife Lucy. After a car accident, David becomes crippled in a car accident and both of them live on an isolated Storm island. During a storm, they get a visitor who is shipwrecked, and they don't realise that they are the only giving room to the great spy, The Needle.

My thoughts

Eye of the Needle is one of the interesting spy stories I have read. I generally don't take a lot of interest in war stories, but this one got me interested from the first chapter I read.

It was interesting to see the way Faber avoids and escapes the authorities, as well as to Godliman and Bloggs who try to catch him. The ending of the story was also awesome.

The pace of the story was also good. It was not too fast or too slow. There was a lot of action as well which was described in great detail.

I am also planning to watch the movie.

My rating: 5 out 5 stars

Recommended to:

I would recommend it to anyone like, war stories, spy thrillers and thrillers in general.

Have you also read Eye of the Needle? Do you agree with my thoughts? If not, what are your thoughts? How would you rate the novel? Let me know through the comments.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Defending Jacob by William Landay

Defending Jacob by William Landay
Defending Jacob is a a legal thriller novel by William Landay published in January 2012


  • Legal thriller
  • Mystery
  • Crime
  • Suspense


The main plot is about a 15 year old, Jacob Barber, who is accused of the murder of his classmate.
Jacob is quiet boy with only a few close friends. His father, Andy Barber, who is the assistant District Attorney investigates the murder of the dead boy who who has been stabbed in a local park. There is pressure on him to leave the investigation when it is found out that the boy is the classmate of his son, Jacob. However, when the few available evidence starts pointing at his son, he is forced to step down. Then begins the legal battle of proving that his son is not guilty.
In the course of the trial, secrets are revealed that may threaten his marriage. He also realises how little he knows about his own son.

My thoughts

May contain minor spoilers.
I am a great fan of thrillers, especially crime thrillers. The suspense of this book really kept me hooked till I finished the whole book. It's one of the few books that I finished in one go without putting it aside.

The pace was a bit slow, however, the suspense forced me to keep on going. The good thing was that it was not too slow. Something new usually comes up before you start getting bored.

It was interesting to see the role of Andy, the assistant District Attorney, in the story. Andy who is usually trying to prove people guilty takes the role to defend Jacob and try to prove him not guilty. He is also forced to exploit the loophole of 'guilty beyond reasonable doubt' that is applied in criminal cases.
I also voted it as one of my top 5 thriller novels of 2012.

My rating: 5 out of 5.

Recommended to

I would recommend this novel to anyone who likes crime and legal thrillers. I would also recommend it to anyone who likes mystery and suspense novels.

Have you also read Defending Jacob? Do you agree with my review? If not, what are your thoughts on the novel? Would you recommend any other similar novels to me? How would you rate the novel? Let me know through the comments.

Top 5 Thriller Novels of 2012

There are a lot of novels out there, especially from the thriller genre, that it is impossible to read all of them. Here I only list the top 5 of the novels I read which were published this year. I had a hard time in choosing the top and even a harder arranging the top books in the order, as they are all fast paced, full of suspense, with great story and all of them make great thrillers. I could have easily given all of them no.1, but I had to rearrange them somehow so..

5. Defending Jacob by William Landay

Defending Jacob by William Landay
Defending Jacob is a legal thriller. Andy Barber, formerly an assistant district attorney, sets out to defend his son, Jacob, as he becomes charged with a murder of his fellow student. As the case continues, Andy becomes shocked at how little he knows about his own son and as more of Andy's past is forced to reveal, his family is in danger of breaking down.

4. The Eden Prophecy: A Thriller by Graham Brown

This novel is the third of the Danielle Laidlaw series. After a U.S. Ambassador contracts a virus after opening a threatening letter and a rogue geneticist is found dead after getting tortured, Danielle Laidlaw, an NRI operative, and Hawker, an ex-CIA agent and former mercenary, sets out to investigate.

3. Nocturnal by Scott Sigler

This is the first paranormal thriller I had read and it really did made a great read for me. Homicide detective Bryan Clauser and his partner Lawrence "Pookie" investigates some gruesome serial murders taking place in San Francisco. The strange thing is Bryan discovers the murders through his dreams and describes them accurately before even reaching the crime scene. Even more stranger is the fact that their superiors want to keep the two from discovering the truth. Read the novel as you find the dark secrets behind the murders.

2. Trust your eyes by Linwood Barclay

This is second novel that I read this year and I came across it by pure chance. The novel tells a story of Thomas Kilvride, a map-obsessed schizophrenic. He travels the whole world without stepping outside his room using a site, However, everything changes when he sees what looks like a woman being strangled in New York through the site. Without realising, Thomas and his brother Ray, has stumbled upon a conspiracy and now, even though oblivious of the fact, they are in a danger they could have never imagined.

1. The Prophet: A Shepherd Thriller by Ethan Cross

The novel is the second of the series, The Shepherd. This is the story which involves two serial killers, a doomsday cult, a vigilante group and of course the FBI. What better mix can we have? The main story involves Special Agent Marcus William, who is part of a vigilante group known as the The Shepherd, going after another serial killer known to him as the Anarchist. However what they don't realise that the Anarchist is just a small part of a something much bigger. However that's not the only trouble Marcus faces. Francis Ackerman Jr., who is also another serial killer, tries all he can to help Marcus, and Marcus is highly disturbed by this. All this leads to great twists and never-ending suspense in the novel The Prophet.

I will post more detailed reviews of the all the five novels in the course of the week. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy reading the above novels if you have not read them yet. If you have read them, how did you find the above books? Do you also feel that they deserve to be the top 5? Are there any other books you feel should be on the list? Let me know through the comments.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Dexter's Debut by Jeff Lindsay Coming Soon

Dexter's Debut (Dexter, #7)
I have read and enjoyed all the books in the Dexter series so far. I have also watched the Dexter TV series, through which I found out that there were Dexter novels. I can't wait for this one to come out so I can read it as well. The expected publication date is early March this year.

Here's the short description of the book.

Cop shows are bringing revenue to Miami and Dexter Morgan is asked to be an advisor for the filming of a new show on top of his regular job as Miami PD's blood-spatter analyst. But things take a distinctly dark turn when the leading actress on the show keels over from a very real bullet on set in front of him. With the press going crazy that the murder took place under the very nose of Miami's finest, Dexter and Debs are under pressure to wrap the case. When their lead suspect turns up dead, and then Rita and Cody are found bound, gagged and barely alive, Dexter knows he's well and truly met his match...

Are you also a Dexter fan and waiting for this book?

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Hack by Peter Wrenshall


Hack by Peter Wrenshall

Genres: Computers, Hacking

I found this while searching for some novels about hacking.

Here's the brief summary of the story:

The story is about a hacker, Karl Ripley, who is turned in by his friend when Karl hacks into in the Pentagon's computer. After being arrested and sent to jail, the FBI offers him a job to get a terrorist hacker, Malik. Karl is given new a identity, new parents and is back to high school so that he can get to Malik. He also has plans to get even with Knight, who turned him in.

I was highly disappointed by this book. I thought that this would be an exciting read, but I found the story kinda boring because I felt it dragged too much.

Even though I finished the book as it was quite a small one, I really didn't find any suspense that compelled me to finish it. The ending was a bit unexpected and not that good, in my opinion. [It turned out that the guys who offered the job to Malik were not the real FBI. So Karl was once again caught and there was nothing done about Malik and the fake FBI. i didn't even understand why the guys faking as the FBI even offered the job to Karl. Then after some small talk, Karl is set free. (hide spoiler)]

I see some good rating and reviews by the others, but honestly, I didn't find it that good.

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

How would you rate this book? Are your thoughts on the story the same as me or different? Your comments are most welcome.

Friday 11 January 2013

Zero Day by David Baldacci.

Zero Day (Puller, #1)Zero Day by David Baldacci

Genres: Thriller, mystery, crime, action.

Sometimes after you read a book, you instantly want to check more books from that author. That's exactly how I found Zero Day. I read Absolute Power  also by David Baldacci (which I will talk about it in a later post since I read it some time back) and loved it so much that I decided to check out more books from him.

So here's a very brief summary of the story:

John Puller, top investigator in the US Army’s CID is assigned to investigate a homicide involving Reynolds, who was about to retire from DIA, in Drake West Virginia. He teams up with a local cop, Samantha Cole. After some investigation, they realise that nothing is what it seems and the homicide is related to something far worse that they can imagine.

I found the story enjoyable to read. It was also full of suspense. Once you start reading it, you can't stop. Whenever I got free time, I picked up that book to continue reading it.

The other good thing about the story was that it wasn't too slow. The moment you start having the feeling that you are going to get bored, something new turns up.

There was also good character development by giving background information and relations between other minor and major characters. There was background story for almost each of the character in the story.

To reduce the tension while reading, there was also a bit of humor in the story. Not something that will make you laugh so hard that your stomach starts hurting, but enough to make you smile even in the midst of so much tension from the climax of the story.

There was only one minor downside I found in the story. I felt it was giving too much unnecessary information I some parts. For example there is a dream which Puller has. It gives so much detail that I sometimes just skim through it so that I can finish reading that part quickly. There were also descriptions of some of the weapons he uses. I felt that those were not really necessary and I just skimmed through it. However it still didn't affect my views towards the general story.

The ending of the story was also awesome. I didn't except anything like it. There were also other unexpected twists.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How would you rate this book? Are your thoughts on the story the same as me or different? If you liked this, which other similar book would you recommend? Your comments are most welcome.


Hello everyone.

First of all, thanks for visiting my blog.

In this blog, I will write my thoughts about the books I have read. I will also include a brief plot summary so that you can know more about the book and judge whether you want to read it or not. Of course, no spoilers will be included in the posts. I wouldn't like to make you not want to read the book before you haven't even started it.

That brings me to my next major point. All the reviews I post are entirely what I think about the book. There may be times I found the book not interesting. It doesn't mean that you will also find it the same. It might even turn out to be your favourite book. So it's always better to judge the book by its plot summary rather than my reviews. Then, after reading, you can agree or disagree with me through the comments.

Most of the books I read are usually fiction, and my favourite genre is thrillers, especially crime thrillers. I also like horror stories. (Thanks to Stephen King!) However that doesn't mean that I don't read other genres or non-fiction books.

Occasionally, I will also be adding posts about other news related to books. For example, if I find an upcoming book that interests me, then I will post about it. You will also come across some lists, for example, Top 10 Thrillers I Read this Month. You will also find a lot more stuff!

If you also like reading books, you will also like this blog.

Thanks again for visiting and reading and be sure to check out more posts.