Friday 11 January 2013


Hello everyone.

First of all, thanks for visiting my blog.

In this blog, I will write my thoughts about the books I have read. I will also include a brief plot summary so that you can know more about the book and judge whether you want to read it or not. Of course, no spoilers will be included in the posts. I wouldn't like to make you not want to read the book before you haven't even started it.

That brings me to my next major point. All the reviews I post are entirely what I think about the book. There may be times I found the book not interesting. It doesn't mean that you will also find it the same. It might even turn out to be your favourite book. So it's always better to judge the book by its plot summary rather than my reviews. Then, after reading, you can agree or disagree with me through the comments.

Most of the books I read are usually fiction, and my favourite genre is thrillers, especially crime thrillers. I also like horror stories. (Thanks to Stephen King!) However that doesn't mean that I don't read other genres or non-fiction books.

Occasionally, I will also be adding posts about other news related to books. For example, if I find an upcoming book that interests me, then I will post about it. You will also come across some lists, for example, Top 10 Thrillers I Read this Month. You will also find a lot more stuff!

If you also like reading books, you will also like this blog.

Thanks again for visiting and reading and be sure to check out more posts.

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